Medium of Instruction

English is the medium of instruction. Hindi and Sanskrit are offered as second languages at primary and secondary school level.

Kindergarten ( Nursery, LKG & UKG)

For many children, Lyceum will be their first formal socializing experience with the outside world. With that in mind, the curriculum imparted at this stage is made hospitable, enjoyable and yet coherently challenging. With adjoining gardens, play areas and attached toilets, the little children can enjoy the learning process in safe and secure spaces. ‘Multiple Intelligence Learning’ methodology ensures that the child’s freedom of thought, inquisitiveness and desire for learning are kept alive. Lyceum faculty is qualified and well-trained in imparting education through kindergarten methods.

Multiple Intelligence Learning

Howard Gardner’s famous ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligence’ suggests that every child has seven types of intelligences with varying affinity to each of them. They are logical, verbal, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, Interpersonal and intra-personal intelligences. A child thinks, learns and applies better when the teaching method aligns with the intelligence that he is strong in. At Lyceum, our teaching methodology is based on activities that combine these intelligences in a unique way that will enable every child to understand and learn to their fullest potential. This learning methodology is best imparted in early childhood developmental stage. Lyceum has a distinguished curriculum team that is responsible for constantly refining and upgrading the education imparted at every stage of education.

Pre-Primary Grade Nursery ,L K G .U K G

Our Pre - school that truly takes education beyond classrooms Teaching in Pre-Primary classes is by play way method. Using Electronics device to teach to the Kindergarten students. The play school has an exclusive area with convenient space for the kids to play and learn.

Primary School (Grade I to V)

As a natural transition to primary schooling, our curriculum adapts the Multiple Intelligence Curriculum into an investigative and inquiry-based learning programme and sustains the child’s interest in learning. When conventional subjects like mathematics, sciences and social studies are taught using this philosophy, it gives the child solid fundamentals to build his or her future. These subjects together with languages, computer science, arts and extra-curricular are imparted by well-qualified teachers.

Secondary School (Grade VI to VIII)

Secondary schooling is an important stage in a child’s development when his or her seamless energy must be channeled into productive areas of development. The school extends its curriculum to focus more on inter-disciplinary and life-oriented skills like critical thinking, problem solving, global awareness and time management. This school is particular about the right level of rigor for academic and non-academic activities keeping in mind the over-all development of the child.

Specially architected classrooms

Spacious classrooms, each resting on 15x30 sq.ft. of floor space, with airy ventilation and thorough natural lighting have been designed to create the right ambience for research and study. The building expands tree-like with overhanging classrooms and large green areas for out-door, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. All classrooms have specially designed furniture, adjustable to the height of the child, that aid good posture while sitting long hours in class.