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Lyceum Convent School is strategically located on WARD NO :IX . JAMUI ROAD MAUGANJ:REWA MADHYA PRADESH. Lyceum Convent School (CBSE PATTERN ) is a world-class co-educational school founded by the PUSHPA SINGH SENGAR EDUCATIONAL AND RURAL DEVALOPMENT SOCIETY......

Principal Photo
Fuelled by an overpowering urge to invigorate and redefine the existent culture of school education, and in response to the persistent requests of parents and children in and around Mauganj for a CBSE school, the Pushpa singh sengar educational and rural development society has taken up as its mission to launch Lyceum Convent School.
Principal Photo
It is nice to greet you all ! Have you ever watched a weaver bird making its nest or an ant carrying a load heavier than itself? The bountiful nature is full of such examples which illustrate that every experience is a learning & challenging experience. Jacques Delors has rightly said that Education is based on the four pillars of Learning to Be, Learning to Know Each other, Learning to Do & Learning to Live & share together
Founder Photo
Dear parents ,Schooling is our first contact with the world , a period of joy ,healthy competition ,adjustment sharing and loving , It is not the wide open space , classrooms ,the library ,laboratorieas or the large field that make the school . It is in the heart of the students and staff that true institution exist.
23 SEPTEMBER, 2019
  • Education is the first step;
    towards Human development.

  • Wisdom,Truth,Character,Imagination
    Creativity are the core values of Education.

  • The roots of Education are bitter,
    but the fruit is sweet.

  • The whole purpose of Education
    is to turn mirrors into windows.

  • The only person who is educated
    is the one who has learned
    how to learn and change.

  • The great aim of Education
    is not knowledge but action into windows.